Not able to make it to Durham, North Carolina to meet with Lindsay? No problem. Whether you live in a different state or a different country, you can still receive the professional support you need to win competitions.
The 101 Virtual Stage Presentation Coaching program is designed to assist clients around the world – allowing anyone to learn the DIVA strut. Lindsay wants to help you bring out your personal best and your WOW factors, regardless of where you are.
How Does Virtual Coaching Work?
Once a week for four weeks, you will send a video to Lindsay. This video will show Lindsay your walk and your poses.
Lindsay will provide you with detailed feedback on how you can perfect the DIVA strut, improve your poses, and develop attention-commanding stage presence. Her email and Skype correspondence will provide you with all of the information you need in order to develop a polished, award-winning performance.
You will finish the four weeks feeling just as confident as the clients who receive in-person coaching.