My husband and I are very grateful to have a business that gives us the freedom to spend every day raising and playing with our 2 year old twins, but while my husband had finally realized his passion in motivational speaking to thousands throughout the world, I was still desperate to find my passion. In November 2013, I drove 18 hours by myself from Ohio to North Carolina and back to attend my first Diva Workshop to meet Lindsay. I realized that weekend after hearing her story and understanding how much she has paved the way for other women who aspire to be cover models or fitness competitors that her experience and knowledge could be of huge value to not only me but other women I know who were also feeling like something is missing in their life. In the 6 months since joining the Divas, I have attended two workshops in North Carolina where I have met so many inspiring women, had my first photoshoot experience with personal coaching from Lindsay, and placed top ten in my first show, the WBFF Fitness Atlantic in April 2014. Before meeting Lindsay, I was unsure if I could even get my body in top shape to compete because I was petite and had stretch marks and a split in my rectus abdominus from my pregnancy with twins. The support I’ve received from Lindsay and the Divas throughout my journey has given me so much confidence and surrounding myself with other women who empower eachother and share similar interests in fitness was definitely the missing link in my life. I’m proud to call myself a Diva and to call the classiest and sassiest woman I know, Miss Lindsay Messina, a mentor and a friend.
Brittany Just