10 Tips To Lose Your Belly Fat
Yes, the belly fat looks quite unflattering. Not only this, it creates aesthetic as well as health problems for you. The only way to get rid of these problems is to burn the excess fat hanging around your belly. There are a number of ways to turbocharge your weight loss efforts.
1) Workouts
Exercise is undoubtedly the best way to get rid of the unwanted fat deposits in your body. Researchers at Harvard’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute reveal that
working out for 30 minutes five days a week is sufficient to burn belly fat. Exercising releases a hormone called irisin that helps in the conversion of white fat to brown. Indulge in exercises that involve multiple muscle groups while effectively working your cardiovascular system.
2) Green Tea
Regularly drinking green tea is good for weight loss. According to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Functional Foods, green tea comprises a good amount of polyphenol catechins – a group of antioxidants that help burn fat cells. These antioxidants help boost metabolism, reduce bad cholesterol levels, increase energy expenditure, thus contributing to weight loss.
3) Water
It’s a great idea to keep yourself hydrated, especially when you are on a mission to lose your belly fat. Drinking plenty of water will keep you from being thirsty, besides preventing you from indulging in a sugar-laden soda drink. Let go the soda cravings and prevent those extra calories from adding to your fat stores.
4) Fast food
It’s absolutely essential to cut down on your fast food intake. Loaded with fat and calories, snacks are the worst culprit in your battle against weight loss.
5) Starvation doesn’t help
Eating healthy is the secret to good health. In order to burn belly fat, you do not to starve yourself. This does not do you any good; rather, wrecks your metabolism, causing several other health problems. Intentionally skipping a meal or fasting may have a negative impact on your weight loss goal.
6) Six small meals a day
Hunger is your worst enemy when you are trying to lose stomach fat. Change
your eating habits and switch to six smaller meals from three big meals a day. Smaller portions will make you feel full and keep you from feeling hungry. Eat slowly to give your stomach ample time to realize it is full. Rescheduling your meal time will help you control cravings, regulate blood sugar levels, and keep hunger at bay.
7) Cardio workouts
When you are following a weight loss goal, you will need to indulge in not only fat loss exercises, but also cardio workouts and core strengthening exercises. Any exercise that increases your heart beat, such as dancing, bouncing on the trampoline, or running, will help you lose weight fast. Core strengthening exercises will help you burn belly fat, strengthen your core, and enjoy a better posture.
8) Group fat loss
Often some individuals on a weight loss mission fail to sustain the exercise momentum and leave it in between. If you are working out in a group, you are more likely to stay motivated to lose weight together. It’s always fun to have a friendly fat loss competition.
9) Fat burning foods
When you are trying to lose your belly fat, it is crucial to keep a check on what you are eating. It is important to switch to a diet that comprises fat burning foods, such as vegetables, whole grains, skim milk, and brown rice. It’s what you eat that more often contributes to weight gain.
10) Sleep well
The easiest fat loss strategy is to sleep well. Yes, if you have been skipping out on snooze time, you aren’t doing your weight loss goal any good. A number of studies show that those who sleep less weigh more. In other words, sleep deprivation can thwart your fat loss efforts by changing how your bodies regulate appetite, thus causing you to crave more.